"After the earthquake a fire came, but the Lord was not in the fire. And after the fire came a gentle whisper."

1 Kings 19:12

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1 Kings 19:12

April 13, 2004
he who loves his life, loses it. - the Christ

sorry for the lack of updates. the rest of the luther article can be found here.

1 Kings will cease to exist and will be continued/transferred/mixed in with another site i'm working on. a bus driver.

sola scriptura. sola gracia. solus christus. sola fide.
soli deo gloria.


4/13/04: was martin luther wrong? (part 2)

4/10/04: was martin luther wrong? (part 1)

4/6/04: random - pop

4/5/04: prayer requests

past updates

1 Kings 19:12


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soli deo gloria